Friday, August 8, 2008

hello, friday

whew! what a week. Sorry for my lack of posting, but I have been fumigating the house and cleaning like crazy. I think it worked, but I feel that the fleas are planning their revenge attack and it's only a matter of time. bugs. Nori keeps laying down for naps in weird places, like behind the couch. He only stays for a minute before hopping onto the couch, as though he was just making sure that behind the couch is not nicer than on the couch.

I have also been helping a friend paint murals at a high school this week, which has been interesting and makes me want to paint my designs large scale on someone's wall. The funny part is that one of the things he was painting was designed with my work as inspiration, and when he realized he had subconsciously done that, he just called me in to do it instead. I thought that was nice.

Anyway, I will be back in a couple of hours with something more interesting, hopefully! I am working on many things today, so I will have something to share soon...

EDIT: here is a link to the site of Mike McGuinness, muralist extraordinaire....


Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

glad the war on fleas is going well ;)

isn't painting murals for school so much fun? I used to do that a lot in college for inner city schools. It brings so much life to the room.

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

(should that be aren't?) sorry- that's bothering me!

amy said...

thanks krissy!
hmm...not sure if it should be isn't or aren't in this case, i know what you mean though as far as it looking wierd - like when you write a word or say it enough times it doesn't seem like a word anymore.

Anonymous said...

you should post a link to his site, so everyone can see the beautiful work he does!