Tuesday, June 17, 2008

i almost want to leave out (con)text and just let you draw your own conclusions

so, i went to the zoo. most people don't know this about me, but i am a little bit afraid of the zoo and have not been to one since i was a kid. part of the reason is the sad animals in their too-small containers, who pace back and forth with the natural longing to be free, to roam and to hunt. and then there's this guy:

okay, he was just yawning here, but doesn't he look ferocious? really, the things that scared me the most were the tiny monkeys* that looked like they would plan an elaborate mutiny and storm the humans en masse. like the film Birds, but with monkeys that have people faces and are seven inches tall.

but then there are the beautiful zebras and peacocks with their amazing colors and patterns and i am glad i get to see them up close.

i have been working on some drawings and other projects for upcoming events, as well as some design work. today, i was having a hard time getting past the zoo mode and into sitting-in-front-of-computer mode. suddenly, i spied this jar of letters:

and spelled out the first thought that came to my mind:

*I am trying to find out what kind of scary little monkeys they were.
EDIT:: ding ding! the answer is: tamarin monkey (tamarind?) if you do a search on flickr, you will see how frightening they are. don't be fooled into thinking they are cute - just wait until you turn your back! YIKES.
thanks to sarah, who remembers minute details from when we were fourteen and also what kind of monkeys scare me. she is the best.

have a great rest of the day...


Anonymous said...

Oh Little One, you are so amazing.....little monkeys, little horses, little dog

Anonymous said...

you should print and sell "shut up and dance" on Etsy. I mean it, it's a great photo.

amy said...

I am definitely going to do something with it, but i wasn't sure if it would be as a photo or making it into a print...hmmm....

Anonymous said...

where did you get those really cool letters? jealous...